👷 Review code better and faster with my 3-Factor Framework: https://arjan.codes/diagnosis. In this video, I’ll share 15 Python libraries that are super cool, and you should know. These libraries can make your life easier, your code easier to read, and your projects more fun. 😉 ⚬ Pendulum: https://pendulum.eustace.io ⚬ PyPD: https://pypi.org/project/pypdf/ ⚬ Icecream: https://github.com/gruns/icecream ⚬ Loguru: https://github.com/Delgan/loguru ⚬ Rich: https://rich.readthedocs.io/en/stable/introduction.html ⚬ Argparse: https://docs.python.org/3/library/argparse.html ⚬ Tqdm: https://github.com/tqdm/tqdm ⚬ Xarray: https://github.com/pydata/xarray ⚬ Polar: https://www.pola.rs ⚬ Seaborn: https://seaborn.pydata.org/tutorial/introduction.html ⚬ Result: https://pypi.org/project/result/ ⚬ Pydantic: https://docs.pydantic.dev/latest/ ⚬ FastAPI: https://fastapi.tiangolo.com ⚬ Sqlmodel: https://sqlmodel.tiangolo.com ⚬ Httpx: https://github.com/encode/httpx ⚬ Python-dotenv: https://saurabh-kumar.com/python-dotenv/ 🎓 ArjanCodes Courses: https://www.arjancodes.com/courses/ 🔖 Chapters: 0:00 Intro 0:23 Pendulum 1:24 PyPDF 1:52 Icecream 3:09 Loguru 4:12 Rich 4:44 Argparse 5:12 Tqdm 5:52 Xarray 6:42 Polars 7:08 Seaborn 8:10 Result 10:24 Pydantic 10:48 FastAPI 12:05 Sqlmodel 13:12 Httpx 13:43 BONUS 14:30 Outro #arjancodes #softwaredesign #python